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一般出庭发言权 General right of audience
一般司法管辖权 Ordinary jurisdiction
一般地或在任何个别情况下 Generally or in any particular case
十足效力 Full operation
三分之二大多数 Majority of two-thirds
以呈请方式提出上诉 Appeal by way of petition
神智失常 Abnormality of mind
居留权 Right of abode
缺勤 Absence from duty
未能达成协议 In the absence of agreement
无相反证据 In the absence of contrary evidence
许可 Leave
擅离职守 Absent without leave
完全解除 Absolute discharge
的绝对权益而以信托形式持有 Held on trust for … absolutely
免除 Absolve
加入 Acceded to
允许要求 Request acceded to
在相当程度上提前终止 Termination….materially accelerated
承认指称 Accept… allegation
接受令状的送达 Accepts service of the writ
已拒付汇票的参加承兑 Acceptance for honor supra protest
参加承兑人 Acceptor for honour
取阅,取用,查阅, 接触,获得 Access
探视权 Rights of access
可供公众查阅的记录 Publicly accessible record
附属于 Accessory to
据此告知申请人 Advise the applicant accordingly
..作出解释 Account to sb. For sth.
交代 Accounted for
账目 Account
账簿 Account book
未清及未结算的账目 Account outstanding and unsettled
借款账户 Advance account
放款 Advance
放贷 Advanced to…sb.
结算账户 Clearing account
未来贷款 Future advances
不受欢迎的**要求 Unwelcome sexual advance
提出的呈述 Submissions advanced
往来账户 Current account
有息账户 Interest-bearing account
保证金账户 Margin account
作出考虑 Take account of…
参照 Take into account
计为 Take into account as
..报账 Account for…
负责 Accountable for…
负责 Accountable to..sb.
确认收到 Acknowledge receipt… of…
作认收送达 Acknowledge service
共同诉讼 Common action
附加费 Additional charges
陈词 Address
作出请求减轻判处的陈词 Address… by way of mitigation
陈词作答 Address in reply
向法院陈词 Address the court
送达地址 Address for service
援引证据 Adduce evidence
将会议延期 Stand adjourned to
承认申诉的内容属实 Admit the truth of a complaint
承认该申索 Admits… the claim
准予保释 Admitted to bail
获准代表陈词的 Admitted to be heard for
法律意见 Legal advice
提供意见 Advise on
宗教式誓章 Affidavit
誓章证据 Affidavit evidence
送达誓章 Affidavit of service
分租租契协议 Agreement for an under-lease
分期付款协议,租用协议 Hiring agreement
一切应尽努力 All due diligence
指称 Allegation
虚假及恶意指称 False and malicious allegations
提出证据证明该项指称 Substantiate the allegation
所控罪名,所控罪行 Alleged offence
上诉得直 Appeal being allowed

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