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不可抗力 Force Majeure
地上权 Surface right
不当得利 Unjust enrichment 
地役权 Easement
对价 Consideration
附件 Attachment, Annex, Exhibit
附则 Supplementary Provision
工作信 Work letter 
合同成本 Contract Cost
合同的附加条款 Rider to a contract
合同履行 Performance of Contract
合同期满 Expiration of Contract 
合同终止 Termination of contract
鉴于 Whereas
交货 Delivery
免责声明 Disclaimer
日常维护 Routine Maintenance
特此见证 In witness whereof 
违约责任 Defult Responsibility 
物权 Real Right
验收 Check & Acceptance 
要约 Offer
要约邀请 Inviation for offer 
一式两份 in duplicate 
一式三份 in triplicate
一式四份 in quadruplicate
杂项 Miscellaneous
争议解决 Dispute Settlement 
一式五份 in quintuplicate
一式六份 in sex duplicates
救济 remedy
营业状况良好的 in good standing 
完整所有权,无争议所有权 good title 
承诺 acceptance
善意 good faith
虚假陈述 misrepresentation
欺诈 fraud
合同的解释 interpretation of contract
反要约 counter offer
附条件承诺 conditional acceptance
合同条款 contract terms 
自愿 free will
平等原则 principle of equality
执行合同 execution of contract 
违约 breach of contract
双方责任 liabilities of the parties 
拒不支付 non-payment
合同变更 Alteration of Contract
违约金 penal sum
定金 deposit
延迟履行 delayed performance
损失赔偿 compensation for loss
有效期 period of validity
合同续签 renewal of contract 
开始日期 Commencement Date
无效合同 Invalid Contract
一次**付款 Lump Sum
分期付款 payment by instalments
代理协议 agency agreement 
劳资协议,工会代表工人与资方达成的协议 Collective agreement 
保密协议 Confidentiality agreement 
尽职调查 Due diligence 
雇佣合同 Employment contract 
免责条款 Exemption clauses 
明示条款 Express terms 
继续盈利 Going concern 
默认条款 Implied terms 
连带责任 Joint and several liability 
服务合同 Service contract 
在不损害的情况下 Without prejudice 
单务合同 unilateral contract
先行违约 anticipatory breach
提前偿付条款 Acceleration Clause
附意合同,事先做好的有利于卖方的消费合同 Adhesion Contract
委托合同 contract of bailment
受托人,财物的代理人 bailee
财产委托人,寄托人 bailor
货物售出概不退换 Caveat Emptor
先决条件 Condition Precedent
优先购买权 Right of First Refusal 
没收 Sequestration
强制履行 Specific Performance
双务合同 Synallagmatic Contract
不正当影响 undue influence 
代位权 Subrogation
订立合同 enter into a contract
生效 come into effect 
在合同中规定 be stipulated in the contract 
合同正本 originals of the contract 
合同副本 copies of the contract 
合同规定 contract provisions, contract stipulations 
欺诈 fraud, swindle

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