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保释 on bail 
被告 accused, defendant
被告席 dock
被告证人 witness for the defence
備忘錄 Memorandum, Memo
辩护 plea
剥夺对公司领导资格 disqualification from directing a company
剥夺令 deprivation order
剥夺资格令 disqualification order
补偿令 compensation order
不當得利 Unjust enrichment 
不公开审理  trial in camera
不可抗力 force majeure, act of God
不立案决定书 written decision of no case-filing
不在场证明 Alibi
撤回诉讼 Non-Suit
充公令 confiscation order
冲突规范 rule of conflict
传唤,传讯 writ of summons, citation
从犯 assessorial criminal 
代理词 Statement of the Procurator
代替物 fungible goods
代位权 subrogated right
代位權 Subrogation 
逮捕证 arrest warrant
当庭释放 be released by court
帝王條款 Empire provision
对方当事人 the opposing party, the other side
对抗制 adversarial approach
多边条约 Multilateral treaty
二审 trail of second instanse 
发誓 on oath
法律意見書 legal opinion, Judical opinion
法庭**员 Court Clerk
法院传票 Judge's Summons
法院拘票 Bench Warrant
犯罪所得 proceeds of crime
犯罪行为 criminal conduct
服罪 to plead guilty
公司和解 company composition 
公诉书,刑事起诉书 indictment, charge
公证人 notary public
共犯 accomplice
关于定罪的辅助命令 ancillary order on conviction
管制药品 controlled drug
惯犯 recidivist
归还令 restitution order
合谋 conspiracy
合议庭 collegial panel
候审的被告人 defendant awaiting trial
皇家检察署 CPS Crown Prosecution Service 
羁押期限 term in custody
羁押期限 custody time limits
计算机证据 computer evidence
假释 Time off for good behavior.
减轻情节 Mitigating Circumstances
建议驱逐 recommendation of deportation
鉴定人 appraiser
进行诉讼 to institute proceedings, to bring a lawsuit
进行诉讼 to institute proceedings
拘留令 Order of Detention 
举证责任 burden of proof
绝对豁免权 Absolute immunity 
看守所 detention center
抗辩权 right of defense 
可采纳** admissibility
控告,起诉 accusation
申诉 complaint
控告书 accusatory instrument
口供 oral confession
口供规则 Parol Evidence Rule 
立案庭 Case filing chamber
联合备忘录 Memorandum of association 
諒解備忘錄 Memorandum of Understanding, MOU
聆讯 hearing
藐视法庭 Contempt of Court
明知 be knowingly concerned 
批准逮捕 approval of arrest
毗连区 Contiguous zone
普遍管辖权 Universal jurisdiction, universality principle 
起诉 institution of proceedingsprosecution
起诉前 Before instituting legal proceedings
起诉书中列举的罪项 count of indictment
遣返 repatriate
缺席判决 default juedgement 
缺席证人 absent witness
人民调解委员会 People's Mediation Committee 
商业文件 business document 
上诉 Appeal 
上诉保证金 Appeal Bond
上诉法院 Court of Appeal
上诉人 appellant 
上诉状 petition for appeal
上议院上诉委员会 Appellate Committee of the House of Lords
少管所 juvenile prison 
涉外案件 case involving foreign interests
审理 trial
审理通知书 notice of hearing 
审判 justice
审判不当,误判 miscarriage of justice
审判长 presiding judge
审判委员会 judicial committee
声音探测 audio probe
誓词 sworn statement
书证 documentary evidence
双边条约 Bilateral treaty
双重犯罪 double criminality
司法拘留 judicial detention
死缓 imprisonment for life 
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