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收受赌注 Bookmaking
包括首尾两天 Both days inclusive
重大违背 Material breach
大规模停顿 Substantial breakdown
席前,呈 Bring before….
致使的声誉受损 Bring… into disrepute
带到法庭席前 Brought before the Court
带上法庭 Brought up
争讼事务 Contentious business
援引进一步证据 Adduce further evidence
充分的证据 Adequate evidence
接纳为证据  Admissible as evidence
作为证据提出 Admitted in evidence
誓章证据 Affidavit evidence
提供的证据 Afford evidence as to…
传召以提出证据 Call and put in evidence
不可推翻的证据 Conclusive evidence
佐证 Corroborative evidence
拒绝作证 Decline to give evidence
呈堂作为证据 Produced in evidence
提出….作为证据 Put in evidence
予以参阅并收取为证据 Read and received in evidence
盘问、交叉询问 Cross-examination
传唤当事人 Summon sb. To court. Or serve a summons on sb.
申索陈述书 statement of claim
了结的申索 satisfaction of claim of 
对优先权的权利要求 proiority claim
声称须付的 claimed to be due
出庭 come before the court
获悉 come to the notice of
交付审判 committed for trail
交付羁押 committal to custody
一般谨慎责任 common duty of care
有资格作的证人 a competent witness for
指示聆讯 directions hearing
不具关键** immaterial
在适当时间 in due course
惠及 in favour of 
声誉良好 in good standing 
有关,存有疑问 in question
依据..所赋予的权利 in right of 
以…为限 in so far as
先行 in the first instance 
为… 起见 in the interests of 
在此期间 in the meantime
交存 lodge
寓所 lodging
委托 mandate
可予追回 may be followed
诉讼待决期间 pendente lite
每天 per diem
每月 per mensem
支持其案 in support of his case 
据称的陈述 supposed statement
共同担保人 co-surety
解除其本人作为担保人的责任 discharge himself of his suretyship
使…难以逆料 take… by surprise 
有条件交出 conditional surrender
妥为自动出庭 duly surrenders himself
引起他人合理怀疑 give rise to a reasonable suspicion
付出的讼费 costs sustained
取得传票 taken out a summons
拖欠税款 tax in default
预扣税 witholding taxes
讼费已作评定并准予为… costs have been taxed and allowed at…
日常耗损 ordinary wear and tear
施加制裁 imposition of sanctions

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