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死刑 death sentence 
死刑复核程序 procedure for judicial review of death sentence 
搜查证 search warrant 
诉前财产保全 property attachment prior to lawsuit 
诉前临时禁令 Interlocutory injunctions
诉讼,案件 action, claim, cause, suit, lawsuit
所定罪名 conviction 
索赔 claim for compensation
贪污贿赂犯罪 corruption and bribery crime
特定规则 rule of specialty
提起诉讼,提出申诉 to lodge a complaint
提审 arraignment
停止侵权 Desist from infringement
通缉 wanted for arrest 
同案犯 accomplice
同谋,共谋 complicity
投案 appearance 
脱离父母独立生活的未成年人 Emancipated Minor
外交豁免權 Diplomatic immunity
未能出庭 Failure to Appear
问询 examination
窝藏(罪犯 harbourer
无期徒刑 lift imprisonment, imprisonment for life
无因管理 Agency without specific authorisation,
managmement of business of another 
无罪裁决 Acquittal
无罪推定 presumption of innocence 
先予执行 advanced execution 
消滅時效 Statute of limitations
协议备忘录 Memorandum of Agreement
協同意見書 Concurring opinion
刑事法院 crown court 
刑事拘留 criminal detention 
刑事诉讼程序 criminal proceedings 
刑事诉讼法 criminal procedure law
刑事追诉 criminal prosecution
**犯罪 sexual offences
宣判 to pronounce sentence
询问笔录  record of interrogation 
严重欺诈办公室 SFO Serious Fraud Office 
要求赔偿损失 claim for damages
一审 trial of first instance
一事不再理 Protection against double jeopardy 
引渡法 Law of extradition 
引渡监视 residential surveillance
隐名合伙 sleeping partnership; dormant partnership
隐匿(赃物),窝赃 receiver
有抵押权的债权人 lien creditor 
有期徒刑 limited term of imprisonment
有罪一方,当事人 guilty party, culprit
预谋不轨 with malice aforethought
原告 accuser(刑事), plaintiff (民事)
原告证人 witness for the prosecution
再审申请 petition for retrial 
在作案现场 in flagrante delicto
征用权 Eminent Domain
正当防卫 self-defence; self-defense
证词 deposition, evidence
证据,证词 proof, evidence
证据保全 conservation of evidence 
证据资格 competency of evidence 
证人 witness
证人席  witness box; witness stand
证人证言 testimony of witness
支付令 payment order/warrant 
执行程序  procedure execution
执行逮捕  execution of arrest
执行和解  conciliation of execution
执行回转  recovery of execution
执行庭  executive tribunal
执行异议  objection to execution
执行员  executor
执行中止  discontinuance of execution
执行终结  conclusion of execution
职务犯罪 duty-related crimes
指定辩护  appointed defense
质询 interrogation
中级人民法院  intermediate People's Court
中途退庭  retreat during court session without permission
仲裁  arbitration
仲裁被诉人  respondent defendant
仲裁裁决  award
仲裁申请书  arbitration
仲裁申诉人  claimant plaintiff
仲裁庭 arbitration tribunal 
仲裁庭  arbitration tribunal
仲裁委员会  arbitration committee
仲裁协议  arbitration agreement clauses of arbitration
重罪 Capital Felony
重罪预防令 serious crime prevention order
主犯 principle criminal
主诉检察官  principal procurator
助理检察官  assistant procurator
助理审判员  assistant judge
专门法院  special court
专门管辖  specific jurisdiction
专属管辖  exclusive jurisdiction
追缴赃款赃物 recovering of illicit money and goods
追究刑事责任  investigate for criminal responsibility
准据法 Proper law
自首  confession to justice
自诉案件  private-prosecuting case
自行辩护  self-defense
自侦案件  self-investigating case
总检察长 Attorney General
最高人民法院  the Supreme People's Court
最高人民检察院 the Supreme People's Procuratorate
最后裁决书  final award
罪犯 delinquent, offender

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