涉案銀行Bank Mellat希望推翻英國財政部2009年的命令,因為它涉嫌資助德黑蘭政府引起爭議的核計劃,而被禁在英國經營業務。
The supreme court went into secret session for the first time ever on Thursday to hear sensitive intelligence about a Tehran bank accused of participating in Iran's nuclear weapons programme.
Before a live television broadcast shut down, Lord Neuberger, president of the court, declared the ruling had been taken "with great reluctance" by a majority of the nine justices hearing the appeal by Bank Mellat.
The decision to hold what is known as a "closed material procedure" (CMP) – in which claimants are prevented from discovering the security evidence against them – was made after lawyers for the Treasury urged the justices to read a secret judgment from a lower court.
Neither the House of Lords not the supreme court has ever held a CMP before to read a secret judgment or hear secret evidence since such procedures began in specialist immigration and security tribunals more than 10 years ago.
The supreme court, Neuberger has said, occupies a particular place in the constitution "where all judgments should be open and be available to be seen". Unlike the lower courts, it deals with matters of broader principle.
完整阅读,请看这里:http://www.guardian.co.uk/law/2013/mar/21/uk-supreme-court-secret-session |